Welcome to NJEBC, New Jerusalem Evangelical Baptist Church

New Jerusalem Evangelical Baptist Church is a committed group of believers with the commitment to the Word of Jesus Christ and to grow in the perfect connection with Christ. We believe you can come to Christ as you are with the conviction that the blood of Jesus justifies us. We support each other in serving Christ and our community. Our goal is to be authentic witnesses of the love of Jesus Christ.

We will be happy to welcome you among us to come to workship with us.


L'eglise Evangelique de la Nouvelle Jerusalem est une congregation de 40 annees, reunie en une assemblee des Saints a Randolph, region sud de la metropole sud de Boston avec pour boussole la Parole de Jesus Christ et pour objectif l'acroissement spirituel des croyants et le temoignage authentique de l'amour de Jesus Christ dans notre vie.

Nous vous prions de nous rendre visite a nos differents services.


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