Children's Ministry's Director
Sherley Sidney

New Jerusalem Baptist Church’s Children’s Ministry will encourage children to pursue a relationship with God, understand his love, and to embody the principles of Christianity to go out into the world and be a positive example for those who do not know Christ.

Sherley Sidney has been working with children from summer camp in her teenage years as a counselor to the assistant director as she approached adulthood. Her thoughtfulness and willingness to understand children and their perspectives, help them grow as individuals towards Christ. She accepted the Lord as her personal savior since she was 13 and works hard to bring others to Christ through compassion, empathy, and hard work.

Ministry Values:

1. God-Fearing Relationship

We believe that children should develop a relationship with God early on to learn to rely on and trust God throughout their lives. Learning God’s word early will bring the foundation needed in the upcoming challenges that may arise as they grow. This will teach them to rely on Him early on rather than leaning on the ways of the world.


2. Respect for others and themselves

At NJEBC Children’s Ministry, we respect everyone who wants to participate by understanding their boundaries and what they are/are not comfortable with.  The children will learn to understand and follow through with the rules at our services.


3. Opportunity to serve and enjoy themselves in Christ

The Children’s ministry gives the kids the opportunity to sing, lead, and participate to give glory to God. They are encouraged to share ideas to make the experience a better environment for them to learn and understand the Gospel more.


4. Welcome and non-Judgmental environment

All children from preschool to sixth grade of all backgrounds are welcome at children’s ministry to learn and understand God.  We foster an environment where children are welcome to share and participate when called upon. We do not tolerate name-calling or discrimination towards anyone.


Ministry Meeting Times:

Second and Third Sundays 10:45 am-1:00 pm


Any additional information contact Sr. Sherley Sidney at